Tiny Hat, Inc. and its Freemason stooges are now proud to announce that Baphomet has joined the Marvel pantheon.

Stop the world, I’d like to get off.

10 thoughts on “Everything is Stupid, and Evil

  1. Given that Marvel is a disgusting, blaspheming cesspool this should be no surprise. In fact it is one of the more tame things Marvel has done.

    Marvel’s The Preacher – what they think of our Messiah. Be careful…St. Michael protect us in battle.

    Michael, if you don’t want this filth linked from your site, delete this comment. My only reason for sharing is that I know a lot of Catholic Marvel fans.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t watched it to the end. But the jist of the series is that Jesus is part of a line mentally deficient, sex obsessed morons. They call him ‘humperdoo’ and you can guess why. It’s an inversion of the Gospel. I understand the end of the clip the actor shows why they gave him the nickname. It is in your face blasphemy. It is pretty aweful without seeing the end. Your call.

        I don’t think most folks realize what they are supporting.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. More targeting of kids .. yes, so evil, and it comes at them from all directions, never ending. Important that we pray for them and for God to give the gift of discernment to even the youngest of them. God Bless the children.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I want a t-shirt that says, “Everything is grace.”

    Some days are more challenging than others but trying to learn how to surrender and imagining what good God will bring out of all this evil that we’re watching unfold.

    ♫ Your strength, when my heart is worn
    Your love, when the wait is long…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “and must be within 7 feet of her target”, but hopefully not closer than 6 feet, otherwise she will catch a cold or flu.

    but I’m sure I’ve heard this song before!


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