If you’ve been following me, and have not yet discerned what I mean by “adversity marketing,” then you’re either not on Twitter, or have not watched the video series I did for Vendee Radio. That’s fine, but you’ll have to settle for an oversimplified explanation.

In short, think “reverse psychology.” But, it’s reverse psychology delivered by a person or group of people who have, for years now, intentionally garnered your scorn and distrust.

In other words, the villains of the story know that they are the villains of the story. So, in the most obvious examples, they attack that which they want you to defend, embrace that which they want you to reject, and fake censor that which they want you to seek out and see.

One of the best of examples was when the “Church” of Satan pretended to protest against Trump.

Remember this?

Seriously, folks, how stupid is that? It has got to be one of the most obvious adversity marketing tricks yet. “Let’s get people who advertise themselves as evil to pretend to hate Trump, so the luke-warm Christians on paper will blindly and passionately defend and support him.”

Adversity marketing. Reverse psychology.

If you think that is too complicated of a dynamic for this global enterprise to employ, you have only been paying attention to Fox News, Joe Rogan, and anybody with more than 20,000 followers.

It’s not. It’s simple. The primary motivator is cash, or the absence of it. It doesn’t even require an evil conspiracy in most cases. A simple Pavlovian algorithm suffices.

Threading the needle too well? We won’t cancel you. You’re just magically invisible, and your work product generates no revenue.

But if they really like your message, they market the hell out of it, by attacking it.

But, don’t get lulled into complacency. Just in case you’re catching on, they sometimes use these same villains to speak truth, so that you’ll be too horrified by the association to adopt the message for yourself. For example, anything that bartender or her “Muslim” colleague says about Israel.

Back to the point, now we’ve got one of Trump’s primary villains claiming he will (finally) quit if Trump is “re-elected.”

Can it get any more obvious than this?

They’ve cultivated hatred for this Tiny Hat stooge for years. Trump gave the orders, Fauci bore the scorn.

He should be scorned, of course. He’s an evil little troll. But his depravity pales in comparison to the man giving him the orders and authority. But, I digress …

They cultivated the hatred for this man. Low IQ Republicans have been focusing their blame on him since 2020. Medium IQ Republicans wondered why Trump had the AIDS genocide troll run the psyop, but then mysteriously gave their false messiah a pass for it.

Now the garden gnome dangles this carrot in front of the hypnotized MAGA, to dupe them into consenting to the next round of horrors to be implemented by the witch king.

Something wicked this way comes …

5 thoughts on “More Adversity Marketing Escalation

  1. I burst out laughing when I saw Fauci and his statement. So obvious! There will be lines around the block for Trump if true. The Maga King & Ultra Maga terms apparently were invented after 6 month marketing “research”. Of course the ego of Trump & followers jumped on the bandwagon.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pure 🎭 as you’ve pointed out many times. The ‘actors’ aren’t that great, but good enough to continue to seemingly hypnotize the blind. Yes, “something wicked this way comes” is a surety.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Perfectly stated, Michael!

    You can probably get the “normies” (the group who always support the current thing) out of normie-dom into “newbie”-dom (the group that pats themselves on the back for their realization that government dependency is not a good thing) much more easily than to get the “newbies” to understand there are no “black hats” and “white hats” that are fighting each other. I see them clinging to that illusion all over the place. The desire for some savior other than Our Lord is fruitless.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So true but absolutely disgusting. What Theater !! You nailed the Low to Medium IQ Republicans. At this point are there any “High” IQ Republicans? Everyone needs to see your series on Vendee Radio.

    Liked by 1 person

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